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Donating to the Friends of YJI is easy! Will you consider helping us broaden our impact?! See below!

Community volunteers supporting a youth with school work at Study Table.

Why Donate?

WDM has long been thought of as an affluent community, but it still has unrecognized growing needs.

Since WDM is a wonderful place to live and has been offering affordable housing, the community has seen a significant shift in demographics.

These shifts in poverty levels are creating a strain on our current systems.

YJI seeks to address the strain and support youth who lack resources whether it’s financial, educational or relational by providing youth with positive community connections.

Your Contributions make a Difference!

Every $100 will provide monthly transportation for 30 youth to attend academic programming twice weekly.

Every $250 provides a mentor for one youth.

Every $500 provides food for 50 youth per academic programming session.

Every $2,000 will provide diversion programing for one youth for six months.

Donate with PayPal or debit/credit card

Gardening for Community Service.

Donate with Venmo

Burning off energy at outdoor summer program!

Donate by Mail

Math Challenge game!

Friends of YJI
646 South 34th Court
West Des Moines, IA 50265

Make checks payable to FRIENDS OF YJI

Friends of YJI is an IRS Qualified 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
and Contributions are Deductible for Income Tax